Many people suffer from vertigo, which happen in attacks or chronical without an explanation of the classical medicine like hypertension (high blood pressure, hypotension (low blood pressure) or heart diseases as well as other sufferings.
Certainly low blood pressure can release vertigo, but not every person with a low blood pressure suffers from vertigo. How can these phenomena be explained?
Damages at vertebrae, segments and meridians of the functional circuit heart(Th2 SMT®)/ small intestine (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2) very often release vertigo. When especially the 12th thoracal vertebra is concerned severely,the patient often also suffers from low blood pressure and so the connection between vertigo and low blood pressure can be explained. As the 12th thoracal vertebra is also the ovary vertebra and this segment is strained especially at young girls during puberty, these girls very often suffer from vertigo, while at the same time a low blood pressure can be existent, however must not be.
Via the 2nd cervical vertebra the functional circuit heart (Th2 SMT®)/ small intestine (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2) is connected to the functional circuit gallbladder (Th4 SMT®)/ liver (Th5 SMT®)/ eyes and tongue (C2), while at the vertigo also a sight disturbance (blurred sight) might arise.
In addition, of decisive importance at a vertigo are subluxations of the mandibular joints, as over the mandibular joint run the following meridians: