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Arthrosis and arthritis at the example arthrosis und arthritis of a knee joint (Gonarthrosis and gonarthritis)

A similar provokative sentence like in the chapter osteoporosis, whose rightness will be explained in the following lines, reads as follows:

Arthrosis is not painfull.

The cause for an inflammation of a hurting joint, is correctly called arthritis. The statement of the classical medicine, that the arthritis is a consequence of an arthrosis, is so not true, although the arthrotic transformed joints are inflamed and hurt more often. It is quite wellknown to the classical medicine that there exist people with, for example, a bad hip arthrosis, which does not hurt at all.

Also joints, not arthrotically transformed, can hurt and get inflamed.

Arthroses are called by the classical medicine degenerative, in the sense of worn out. However, the question how for example an arthrosis of the right knee joint arises without the left knee joint being affected at the same extent or at all - cannot be answered by the classical medicine conclusively.

I would like to try here very briefly, to summerize the problems.

All joints are surrounded by tendons, ligaments and muscles, which allow joint movements due to their elasticity, but which bring the joint, when relaxing, back again into its physiological basic position.

There are two mechanisms, which lead to a loss of elasticity of the surrounding tendons, ligaments and muscle apparatus:

Both mechanisms, i.e. the displaced joints and the nervous irritations of spinal nerves and also of the nervous plexus (meridian) always arise at the same time.

The sciatic nerve and with it nervous fibres of the spinal nerves L5 up to L3 supply the knee.

Following meridians run over the knee:

Due to this synergetic effect of all these phenomena the tendons, ligaments and muscles of the involved joints tense up, which causes more pressure of the joint surfaces upon and against each other. This can be the cause, when there is additional strain (for example overweight, overstress and so on), for easily arising inflammations of the joints, so to speak joint arthritis, than it happens at a joint were the above mentioned damaging mechanisms do not exist.

Besides this the joint cartilege is strained and succumbs an increasing abrasion. This happens completely painless, however leads in the course of time to an arthrosis. The arthritis of an arthrotic joint is mostly diagnosed only then, when pain arises. Hence classical medicine is not quite correct when it speaks from an arthrosis, because an arthrosis needs a buff and unevenness of the bony joint surface. In the case of a joint space narrowing it precisely should speak of a strain or a finding, which in the course of time leads to an arthrosis.

However this means, when you remove subluxations of joints and incarcerations of nerves, the tendons, ligaments and muscles around the joints can relax. Consequently the joint space broadens again and the abrasion in the joint comes to a stop and with it the arising of an arthrosis. An eventually existing arthritis disappears again without operation.