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Curriculum vitae

Dr. med. Michael Graulich
Specialist for general medicine
D-87724 Ottobeuren, Uhlandstraße 4
Tel.: 0049-8332/7071

Birth: June 12th, 1947
Parents: Dr. med. Josef Graulich and wife Ingeborg, born Bieber
Geburtsort: Bonn, Rhine

Volksschule: 4 years in Karlsruhe and Mannheim
Gymnasium: from 1960 on 2 years at the Lessing-Gymnasium in Mannheim
from 1962 on at the Ernst Kalkuhl Gymnasium in Oberkassel near Bonn
Final examination school-leaving: 15. Mai 1968

Practical nursing work: 1969 at the Kreiskrankenhaus Landsberg am Lech
Study of human medicine: at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Mainz, from 1969 to 1975
State examination and license to practice medicine: 01. 07. 1975 at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Mainz

Medical assistance time: from September 1975 on at the Johannes Gutenberg university in the 2.medical clinic and in the children´s hospital in Mainz. From January 1976 medical assistance time surgery in the St. Rochus hospital in Mainz – Mombach

Wedding: 9th of July 1976 with Margaretha Schlichting

Promotion: 20th of April 1976 at the Johannes Gutenberg university about the thema "Telemetric longtime messures for the pharmalogical influence of the strain blood pressure of high pressure patients". Examinations concerning Clonidin, Dichlorphenoxyaethyl-Imidazolin (an Urapidil-Retard-form), Guanethidin and Dihydralazin.

Military service: from November first 1976 for 15 months as captain in the medical corps at the supply batallion in Diez an der Lahn

Birth if the 1st child: Diana Graulich at Nov. 12th, 1977 in Wiesbaden

Medical assistance time: from april 1978 at the district hospital Aalen in the medical section, and at the surgical sections in the district hospitals Ellwangen and Bopfingen

Birth of the 2nd child: Michael Graulich on Febr. 19th, 1979 in Ellwangen

Acknowledgement as general physician: 1981

Establishment as general practioner (health insurance) April first 1981 in Ottobeuren

Birth of the 3rd child: Wolfgang Graulich on Nov. 3rd, 1981 in Memmingen

In the course of years I got the admission to participate as doctor in a health insurance plan with the following qualifications: sonography for abdomen and gland, sonography of the heart in m-mode and realtime method, long term electrocardiogram and Doppler sonography of the periphere and the cerebral vessels.

In march 1990 I had a first contact with a new (old) form of a manual therapy, which developed in the course of time into the SMT®.
From this time on I dedicated my medical occupation in practice and theory increasingly to the SMT® (soft manual therapy).

In october 1996 my first book about the SMT® "Wunder dauern etwas länger" appeared (link), with 223 pages and approx. 70 pictures, edition 5ooo samples. This book is a basic textbook about the SMT®, with classical-medical orientation.

At the first of april 1998 I finished my occupation as a general practioner of the health insurance and since then run a private practice, exceptionally practising the SMT®.

1998 the second revised edition of my book "Wunder dauern etwas länger" with 10.000 samples appeared (236 pages and approx. 75 pictures.

1998 I produced a 1-hour lasting teaching video about the SMT®, on the basis of the 1st. medical textbook "Wunder dauern etwas länger".

In June 1999 my second book with 6000 samples appeared (532 pages and more than 80 pict.) about the SMT®, entitled "Fast alles ist möglich". It is a continuing book about the SMT®, based on the first book.

In october 2000 my third book (633 pages and more than 215 pict.) about the SMT® appeared entitled "Die Farbe des Schmerzes ist rot". In this book I occupy myself exclusively with pain healing by means of the SMT®.

Since 2003 my 4th book about the SMT® - "Der Schlüssel zur Gesundheit" came onto the market. Also since 2003 the English translation of the basic textbook "Wonders take a little longer".