Basically 4 causes for an inclination of the pelvis exist:
When the joints of the legs and the pelvis are treated correctly, inclinations of the pelvis, which are caused by a difference in the length of the legs and a tilt of the wings of ilium, must vanish.
After the adjustment of the length of the legs due to the correction of a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT®, it is very often the case that a pelvic inclination happens once more. This pelvic inclination happens while standing and/or sitting, quite rarely also when lying, and this now has nothing more to do with subluxations of one or several subluxation of leg joints.
This new inclination of the pelvis shows only after having treated the damages at the leg joints. This finding can already be seen at the first treatment, but it might also be seen only at further therapeutic treatments. After each therapy of the pelvis it must be examined again for a new inclination.
The muscles of the buttocks only can give in, when the pelvis is standing straight, and only in this way the spine can straighten up and become upright.
In the normal case of an inclination of the pelvis the spine glides towards the side of the lower standing wing of ilium, which causes finally a scoliosis at the lumbar- and lower thoracal spine.
To achieve a relaxation of the muscles of the buttocks the patient has to - mostly limited in time - wear at the side of the lower standing wing of ilium an adjustment of the shoe, as long as necessary, till the muscles of the buttocks are relaxed and the wing of ilium comes up. This can last days up to weeks or even months. However some, mostly older people, need such an adjustment forever. Normally one heel pad of about 0,5 cm is sufficient for the therapy of the inclination of the pelvis. An eventual disturbing feeling of the patient, vanishes after 1 to 2 days. The concerned has to wear this adjustment in all shoes at the for him specific side (and only there) and he is not allowed, as long as the inclination of the pelvis exists, to go barefoot.
Patients, which have an inclination of the pelvis while sitting and also while lying, have to adjust this by means of a seat pad, which is in most of the cases about 8 mm high and has to be worn in the back pocket at the side of the lower standing wing of ilium when lying/sitting.
The heel pad has to be used while standing and the seat pad while sitting as long as the pelvis moves downward, when the concerned pad is removed.
The seat pad has to be removed, when the muscles of the buttocks relax and the wing of ilium comes up higher than at the opposite side while standing or sitting. Now the adjustment must be removed, otherwise we will have problems. When a relaxation of the pelvic muscles takes place, cannot be predicted. Older people need an adjustment while sitting and/or standing longer than younger people, after my experience.