At a subluxation of the hip (partly dislocated hip joint) the femoral head is, at certain movements of the legs - which are possible, however taboo in our sense (for example when crossing legs) - positioned outwards in the hip joint due to a leverage. As a result the femoral head cants at bone ledges of the joint cavity, called eminentia iliopectinea and the lateral outer acetabular edge, which produces the mentioned leverage effect.
This mechanism concerns an anatomic-physical natural law, which is unknown neither to the classical nor another medical science.
The ignorance of this natural law does not legitimate to declare that it does not exist.
A subluxation of the hip leads to a lengthening of the leg, which is greater than the extent of the displacement in the joint. The bad thing about this is, that a sponteanous gliding back into a normal joint position is impossible for anatomic-physical reasons. This means: If the hip once is subluxated, it continually remains in this state, except this finding is corrected by means of a simple manipulation by the SMT®.
Usually both hips are differently heavy subluxated, so that both legs are unequal in length, which finally leads to an inclination of the pelvis.
What sort of movements cause a subluxation of the hip? These are four movements of the legs:
The deep gluteal muscles tense up when the hip is subluxated, especially the muscles piriformis and obturatorius.
The consequence of this tension is, that first of all the sciatic nerve is incarcerated, which causes sciatic pain and disturbances in the sensitivity of the legs. Secondly a pull at the trochanter major arises, which leads to pain and hip problems in this area (for example bursitis).