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Tinnitus (buzzing in the ears)

The tinnitus in general does not exist, because buzzing in the ears can arise in the most different forms and combinations. One person is tortured by high, buzzing sounds and another by deep humming sounds and the other by a sort of roaring. The sound or the sounds can arise in one or both ears or be localized in the head, especially in the back of the head. The loudness varies at different tinnitus patients from quiet, i.e. only audible in absolute silence, up to unbearably loud. The loudness even can be so immense, that it is drowned by a passing truck. Many people suffer from their buzzing ears so much, that they even cannot sleep any more and get sick psychically or even commit suicide. The classical medicine in most of the cases is helpless concerning tinnitus. I will not claim to have found a cure-all of tinnitus by means of the SMT®. The treatment of a tinnitus by means of the SMT® certainly is the most difficult part of the SMT®. Why it is so, is not only due to the damages leading to a tinnitus (they mostly are decades of years old), but also because the damaging mechanism is extremely complex.

The classical medicine can only answer the question, why a tinnitus arises, with a lapidary circulatory disturbance in the area of the hearing organ (cochlea), but due to ignorance it cannot say anything about the backgrounds.

The answer, why a tinnitus arises, is:

It concerns a meridian damage of those parts of the meridian, which have a connection to the hearing organ.

The vertebrae, meridians, segments and organs, which lead to high and shrilling ear sounds, are those of the functional circuit bladder (L3 SMT®)/ kidneys (Th10 SMT® and Th11 SMT®)/ teeth and ears (C3).

The vertebrae, meridians, spinal segments and organs, which lead to deep, rustling and humming ear sounds, are those of the functional circuit gallbladder (Th4 SMT®)/ liver (Th5 SMT®)/ eyes and tongue (C2). Via the 2nd cervical vertebra this functional circuit is connected to those of the heart (Th2 SMT®)/ small intestine (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2) as well as circulation-sexus (Th2 SMT®)/ triple heater (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2).

The triple heater (Th12 SMT®) contacts and influences in its course around the ear the functionality of the hearing organ and also can release tinnitus of high up to mean frequency ear sounds.

The triple heater (Th12 SMT®) belongs to the functional circuit circulation-sexus (Th2 SMT®)/ triple heater (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2). The functional circuit circulation-sexus (Th2 SMT®)/ triple heater (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2)has the same vertebral connection like the functional circuit heart (Th2 SMT®)/ small intestine (Th12 SMT®)/tongue and eyes (C2). Both functional circuits are connected via the 2nd cervical vertebra to the functional circuit gallbladder (Th4 SMT®)/ liver (Th5 SMT®)/ eyes and tongue (C2).

It must be added, that the bladder meridian runs over the whole back and due to that all vertebral damages in their entirety are participating in the development of a tinnitus.

Nevertheless a treatment by means of the SMT® is anyway rewarding, as at least we must hinder the ear sounds to get worse in the course of time. Often the loudness can be decreased by means of the SMT® and occasionally even the sound or the sounds can be healed.

Restricting one must admit that, until a soothing can be felt, the therapy lasts the longer, the longer the tinnitus exists. At many health problems one only can give real hope to the patient that, when he uses the SMT® correctly, his suffering can be bettered or it even vanishes. At the tinnitus treatment this does not work. One has to treat and simply wait, what happens in the course of time.