This chapter about squinting I write out of theoretical arguments, which I have achhieved in the course of years with the practical occupation with the SMT®. However I regret that I had no opportunity to check my arguments for squinting in practice. But I am convinced that squinting is a consequence of spinal damages and its connected nervous incarcerations.
When squinting, the eye deviates towards the middle, i.e. the nasal root, or outwards, towards the temple. Now the light falling into the eye does not hit the point of the sharpest seeing, but other parts of the retina, causing a weak sight.
The cause for squinting is a malfunction of muscles, which determine the eye position. Therefore I presume from the sight of the SMT®, that squinting develops from a vegetative-meridian released tension of the muscle rectus lateralis (turns the eye outwards to the temple and correlates with the gallbladder meridian) and the muscle rectus medialis (turns the eye inwards to the nasal root and correlates with the bladder meridian.
I believe that for a squinting outwards a damage at the gallbladder vertebra (Th4 SMT®) is responsible and for the squinting inwards the damage at the bladder meridian (L3 SMT).
It is a fact that the gallbladder meridian (Th4 SMT®) in its course has contact with the muscle rectus lateralis and the bladder meridian (L3 SMT®) with the muscle rectus medialis.
The gallbladder belongs to the functional circuit gallbladder (Th4 SMT®)/ liver (Th5 SMT®)/ eyes and tongue (C2), which is via the 2nd cervical vertebra connected to the functional circuit heart (Th2 SMT®)/ small intestine (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2).
The bladder belongs to the functional circuit bladder (L3 SMT®)/ kidneys (Th10 SMT® and Th11 SMT®)/ ears and teeth(C3).
It would be interesting to examine, whether children with a damage at the gallbladder vertebra tend more to outwards squinting and children with damages at the vertebrae and organs of the functional circuit bladder (L3 SMT®)/ kidneys (Th10 SMT® and Th11 SMT®)/ ears and teeth(C3) tend more to inwards squinting.
In the course of time I got the impression that the inwards squinting is happening much more often than the outwards squinting. This might have something to do with the fact that damages at the bladder vertebra mostly are greater, because the development of a scoliosis in the area of the lumbar spine is more distinct and therefore reacts directly onto the pelvic damages.