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Restless legs and polyneuropathy

Restless legs and the most polyneuropathies are atypical sciatica.

The causes for restless legs and polyneuropathies are incarcerations and irritations of the sciatic nerve as well as damages of the meridians. If you remove the causes for sciatic incarcerations, i.e. differences in the length of the legs and a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT®, the spinal and meridian incarcerations and -irritations are removed and the ailments of the restless legs disappear.

The meridian causes for restless legs , however also of polyneuropathies, are damages at the vertebrae, meridians, segments and organs of those vascular nerve cords, which run over the legs:

Please also pay attention here to those vertebrae and organs, which are in and to each other connected functional circuits.

When you watch the meridian connections, it becomes clear, why at certain medical diseases like f.e. diabetes or polyneuropathy more often restless legs happen than at people without such diseases. The spleen-pancreas meridian (Th8 SMT® and Th7 SMT®) runs over the leg.

Without a spinal and meridian nervous irritation the ailments of restless legs and polyneuropathies develop much more seldom and only then, when the nervous damages are very severe.

This means that also at polyneuropathies, which arise in the scope of medical diseases, it is always worth to try a treatment by means of the SMT®, as so the ailments of the patients can be soothed.

Why at restless legs a medikament against the Parkinson´s disease helps, is explained in my medical textbook "Fast alles ist möglich" (Nearly everything is possible, only in German language))"