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Parkinson´s disease

The classical medicine knows that at the Parkinson´s disease, a relatively frequent neurological disease, exists a lack of dopamine. As more older people get sick of the Parkinson´s disease, the classical medicine assumes that so-called "degenerative" processes in the brain (the area of the thalamus) are responsible for the lack of dopamine (dopamine is a neurotransmitter). Consequently it tries by means of medicine to raise the dopamine level of the brain to diminish the parkinson-symptoms (stiffness and trembling).

From the sight of the SMT®, the problems and the therapy of the disease is another one. The most important question is yet, how can a lack of dopamine arise? The answer is:

Each organ, which is not stimulated by sufficient spinal and/or vegetative informational impulses, succumbs to a disuse atrophy. This is also valid for the brain, which, to work really efficiently, needs a permanent spinal, yet also a vegetative stimulation. This means for the thalamus area that suddenly not enough dopamine is produced. However, also the dopamine receptors must be damaged or succumb to a restrictive function, because also highly raised dopamine levels only can remove the problems short-time and not enduring.

Whatsoever, one should avoid the arising of the disease or at least get the grip on the problems again at its beginning. Which damages from the sight of the SMT® are responsible for the Parkinson´s disease?

Subluxations of the hip, pubic bone and the Ilio sacral joints with a tilt of the sacrum and the pelvis as well as an inclination of the pelvis with its resulting increasing tension in the back muscles and the with it connected scolioses, reduce and falsify the spinal, however also - and this is the more important aspect - the vegetative information flow to the brain. These are especially the damages at the vertebrae, segments and meridians of the connected functional circuits heart (Th2 SMT®)/ small intestine (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2) and gallbladder (TH4 SMT®)/ liver (Th5 SMT®)/ eyes and tongue (C2).

Due to the insufficient vegetative supply of the brain a loss of activity of brain areas arises and for the Parkinson´s disease it is the area of the thalamus. A long lasting loss of activity leads to a paralyzation of the cells. They then regain their function, when the activity rises due to increasing vegetative stimuli.

A very long lasting paralyzation of brain cells leads in the course of time to an organic decomposition of cells (like f.e. at the Alzheimer´s disease or other demantia, only that at the Alzheimer´s disease and other dementiae the decomposition takes place especially intense in the area of the frontal brain), so that healing is not possible any more.

For the arising of functional disturbances in the brain additionally subluxations of the mandibular joint are of importance, as over the mandibular joint run the following meridians:

However this means that, when treating in time by means of the SMT®, the Parkinson´s disease can absolutely be healed. The therapy lasts very long and needs a lot of discipline, in the sense of a consequential autonomous cooperation of the patient.