Osteoporosis means the decomposition of bones, while the bones lose their stability. Some medical diseases, however also medicines (f.e. cortisone), can release an osteoporosis.
Normally osteoporosis is, also without influence of medical diseases or medication, a natural transformation, caused by old age. However not all people of the same age have an osteoporosis, and if so, the degree of the osteoporosis is very different from humam to human.
How can these phenomena can be explained, and how actually occurs a development of an osteoporosis, if one disregards the cases, where medical diseases, a lack of vitamine D3 (f.e. due to a lack of sun radiation, but also due to an inheditarey disease) or medication are responsible for the arising of an osteoporosis?
The answer is that a nervous-vegetative lack or short supply of the bones is responsible for the osteoporosis.
In the bones you find cells, which decompose, however also build up bony tissues. The activity of the cells needs a stimulus, which after my opinion first of all is transferred via the vegetative nervous system.
The vertebrae, segments and meridians of the functional circuit bladder (L3 SMT®)/ kidneys (Th10 SMT® and Th11 SMT®)/ teeth and ears (C3) are steering vegetative the functionality and with it the state of the bony tissue.
Further factors, which lead to an activation of the cells building up the bones, are motion and compressive load.
An important releasing factor for the decomposure of bones is inactivity due to immobility.
In older age the damages at joints and spine increase and therefore the unspecific osteoporosis also is a disease of the higher age.
The classical medicine asserts that the pain of the osteoporosis patients are caused by the osteoporotic instability of the bones. This statement is wrong.
An also provoking sentence, like it is also uttered in the chapter arthrosis, whose correctness is explained in the following lines, is:
Osteoporosis does not hurt.
At an osteoporosis the in the SMT® wellknown damages at joints and spine hurt more than it would happen at persons without osteoporosis, but it is the damage at joints and spine, which cause the pain of the patients and not the osteoporosis. Without the corresponding damages at joints and spine the osteoporosis-patients would feel no pain.