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Coronary heart disease, irregularities of pulse and other heart diseases

There is a lot of differences in heart diseases. The most common probably are the irregularities of pulse and the coronary heart disease.

Especially at the heart diseases, like at many other diseases as well, the thought of prevention must be first and the best prevention is a regular state of spine and joints.

All heart diseases originate from damages at spine and joints, or at least they often participate quite a lot in this disease development. External factors like lack of motion, wrong nourishment, overweight, nicotine and excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine, to only mention some, are in the development of the disease aggravating aspects, but not the primary cause.

There are a lot of heart diseases and -changes, which can release dysrhythmia. These diseases need a therapy of the classical medicine, although, after my mind, a accompanying treatment by means of the SMT® would be desirable and sensefull, because the so-called anti-arrhythmic drugs themselves can release dysrhythmia or worsen already existing ones.

However, many people suffer permanently or only occasionally from heart dysrhythmia (up to intermittent atrial fibrillation, here the heart works absolutely irregular), where from the sight of the classical medicine no relevant cause can be found. The classical medicine wants to soothe these people in telling them that the dysrhythmia - apart from the intermittent atrial fibrillation - is harmless and needs no therapy.

Now, who ever has suffered once from considerable and longer lasting dysrhythmia, will agree with me when I assert that these - in spite of all medical assurances - nevertheless are felt to be threatening by the concerned, at least they are perceived as very disagreeable, especially when the frequency of these disturbances in the heartbeat is increasing.

Especially those people with dysrhythmia, where the classical medicine cannot find any cause, can be helped by means of the SMT®. Responsible for the dysrhythmia, either for supra-ventricular or ventricular extrasystoles and, as already said, also the intermittent atrial fibrillation, are damages at the vertebrae, meridians, segments and organs of the functional circuit heart (Th2 SMT®)/ small intestine (Th12 SMT®)/ tongue and eyes (C2) and the via the 2nd cervical vertebra connected functional circuit gallbladder (Th4 SMT®)/ liver (Th5 SMT®)/ eyes and tongue (C2).

Besides this, subluxations of the mandibular joint are of decisive importance for dysrhythmia, as over the mandibular joint run the following meridians:

The question, why one person gets an intermittent atrial fibrillation, the other supra-ventricular and a third person ventricular dysrhythmia, cannot be answered by me.

The development of a coronary heart disease is yet clearly defined by the classical medicine, but it comes to wrong conclusions about the background of the happening. It asserts that a high cholesterine is the main factor for the arising of a coronary heart disease, because it releases an arteriosclerosis of the coronary vessels, which leads to a narrowing and occlusion of the vessels, which then determines the sort of disease. On the face of it this statement is right, but it misses the real facts.

Arterial blood vessels own two different sorts of tissue: a thick muscluar coat and a vascular inside coat (intima), which mainly consists of elastic fibres.

The pathomechanism, leading to arteriosclerosis is the tearing of the intima. Now is the question, why the inner layer of the vessel tears? There are several reasons:

A regular state of the joints and its resulting adjusted spine is the most important prevention factor for the arising of a coronary heart disease. However, one also has to consider the wisdom teeth, which are connected to the heart via the meridian and also can release heart diseases.