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Diseases in the shoulder-arm area like for example Impingement-syndrome, rotator-cuff-rupture, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The further you come up at the body towards the head, the smaller is the influence of irritations of the spinal nerves on diseases and their symptoms in the shoulder-arm area, so that die importance of the meridian damages due to vertebral blockages and organic changes increases in the shoulder-arm area. This has to do with the decreasing pressure load towards the head.

Over the shoulder and arms run the following meridians:

Impingement-syndroms and Rotator-cuff-ruptures f. e. have something to do with the tenseness of tendons, ligaments and muscles of the shoulder girdle, which is caused by the corresponding spinal damages.

When a problem occurs in the shoulder-arm area, you only have to look, which meridian runs through the sick area, and after the basic treatment of subluxations of the legs and the pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT®, to treat the corresponding functional circuit vertebrae. With that the ailments get better and vanish.