Hip pain and -diseases
Hip pain and -diseases like for example the coxarthrosis and -arthritis (acute or chronic inflammation of the hip joint), necrosis (decomposition)) of the femoral head, M. Perthes or Epiphysiolitis capitis humeri are consequences of subluxations of the joints of hip, pubic bone and sacrum as well as of a pelvic inclination and -tilt.
The pain of an arthritis of the hip joint arises due to following mechanisms:
- Due to a subluxation of the hip joint.
Here the femoral head moves in the hip joint forward and somewhat to the side. The consequence not only is a lengthening of a leg, but also a friction of the femoral head at the front and lateral side of the acetabular roof, which causes inflammation and pain. At the same time, due to the high pressure contact of the acetabular roof onto the femoral head, its cartilage is damaged, which again causes in the course of time an arthrosis (destruction of the joint). If the joint then is overloaded, this up to now painles arthrosis of the hip joint changes into a painfull arthritis (inflammation of the joint).)
- As a further aggravating factor the deep muscles of the buttocks tense up, pull the femoral head (which cants, due to the subluxation of the hip, at the front of the acetabular roof) backwards to the middle of the buttocks and aggravates additinally the malposition and the problems of the hip joint.
- As third factor nervous incarcerations have to be mentioned, i.e. those parts of the sciatic nerve, which run to the hip joint.
- The following meridians run over the hip joint:
- The stomach-(Th6 SMT®) and
- The spleen-pancreas meridian (Th8 SMT® and Th7 SMT®).
- The liver-meridian also runs over the area of the hip joint. It is known that patients with liver diseases or excessive use of alcohol are prone to a necrosis of the femoral head. Here you find the connections.
If you now eliminate subluxations of the joints of the legs and the pelvic damages in the sense of the SMT®, the painfull arthritis slowly changes into a painless arthrosis and a further worsening of the arthrotic happening will be stopped.
All this is certainly only effective, when the patient is treated in time by means of the SMT®, because also here the doctrine is valid "Those who come too late, are punished by life", i.e. when the hip joint is already damaged very much, only an operation can help.