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Formgiving mechanisms for scolioses of the lumbar spine

The formgiving influences on scolioses of the lumbar spine are directly connected to a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT® and an eventual inclination of the pelvis. The formgiving influences on scolioses have nothing to do with the development of tension in the back muscles. The increasing tension in the back muscles is principally responsible only for the arising of scolioses.

The formgiving factors are a constellation of subluxations of the Ilio sacral joints and the to it connected displacement of the pelvic bones in the sense of an inclination of coccyx, sacrum and pelvis and an eventual blockage of the 5th lumbar vertebra as well as an eventual inclination of the pelvis.

Primarily the side of the worst subluxatioin of the Ilio sacral joint is the side of the scoliosis of the lumbar spine. Is this worst subluxation of the Iliosacral joint on the right, the concerned has a scoliosis to the right of the lumbar spine, which however, when it is severe enough, can absolutely be transferred maximally up to the 10th or 9th thoracal vertebra.

When the subluxations of the Ilio-sacral joints are removed, the side of the worst inclination of the pelvis and/or blockage of the 5th lumbar vertebra determines the form of the scoliosis of the lumbar spine.

At these damages the scoliosis mostly restricts itself to the lumbar spine and not or negligible to the lower thoracal spine. The 12th thoracal vertebra nearly regularly is also concerned and causes, being the circulation vertebra, distinctly most of the ailments.

The causal responibility for the formgiving influence on the lumbar spine has the Musculus quadratus lumborum, which is fixed to the rear iliac crest and to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae as well as the lower edge of the 12th rib.

Subluxations of the pubic bone and the Ilio-sacral joints cause a pelvic tilt, where the M.quadr.lumb. has to join the movement of the wing of ilium, is consequently overstretched and tenses up. By that a pull on the transverse processes of the lumbar spine happens, so that the lumbar spine develops a scoliosis.

Especially pronounced is the connection between the M. quadratus lumborum and the transverse process of the 5th lumbar vertebra, because here no muscular fibres of the M. quadratus lumborum are concerned, but there is a connection of tendons. When the wing of ilium tilts, the 5th lumbar vertebra is pulled towards the side of the pelvic tilt and cants in this position, when the tension in the back muscles is accordingly high, so that it does not find back again into its normal position. Is this finding acute, it is called a lumbago.

All causes, subluxations of Ilio-sacral joint and pubic bone with tilts of coccyx, sacrum and pelvis and the blockage of the 5th lumar vertebra have to be treated one after the other, to remove scolioses of the lumbar spine.