A complete new medical therapy, which is based on an old folk medicine in the sense of a holistic medical science
News are offered more than enough, but if you look at them exactly, they are mostly old, since a long time well-known knowledges and therapies, however in a new appearance.
This is not the case in the SMT®.
The fascinating thing about the SMT® is the fact, that you can prove its effectiveness at any time to everybody with eyes in his head, at least in the manual-anatomic facts, within a few minutes.
The SMT® consists of several parts:
Only by the appropriate connection of these different aspects a completely new science was developed, which really deserves this name. Because sickness and pain are the result of a disturbance in the transfer of information between the periphery and the central steering organ, the brain, and from there back again to the periphery. The disturbance of this flow of information is caused by incarcerations and irritations of nerves, which again are caused by damages of joints and spine.
Connection points between SMT®, classical medicine, meridian science and osteopathy.
The connection point of these four sciences is the vertebral segment with its appropriate vertebra and its two laterally emerging spinal nerves. These spinal nerves then divide. One branch runs into the periphery and is responsible for motion (motoricity) and the sense of touch. A further branch (Ramus communicans) leads to a rope-ladder similar plexus, which is placed in front of the spine and is called sympathetic chain. The sympathetic chain is the central part of the sympathicus nerve, which again is a part of the vegetative nervous system, which is not steerable by will. After the connection in the sympathetic chain the sympathicus, as the perivascular plexus - also called vascular nervous cord - which coats the arterial vessels (containing oxygenous blood,) leads to the inner organs and into the periphery, to steer them and coordinate their functions.
This connection between the segments of the spinal cord and inner organs is in fact so, like the osteopathy teaches.
SMT® and its knowledge of a meridian pain
I do not know, whether this medical fact yet was formulated in the way like the SMT® does.
Damages or irritations of the perivascular plexus (also called meridian) can cause pain and inflammations.
That means, there exists a meridian pain.
The most important damages at the human joints.
There are first of all three damages at the human joints, which are decisively important to human health, however being are unknown to classical medicine. Here it concerns a subluxation (partly dislocation)of a joint of a leg, i.e. from hip, knee- or ankle joint, and, secondly, of a subluxation of the pubic bone and the ilio-sacral joints with toppling of coccyx, sacrum and pelvis as well as an inclination of the pelvis.
Consequences of a subluxation of a leg
The result of a subluxation of a joint of a leg is a lengthening of one leg.
The longer leg is the pathological finding, not the shorter one.
Each of the 6 large joints of the leg (hip, knee and ankle) can be involved in most different ways of lengthening. So it happens sometimes, that different subluxations at the right and the left leg are compensating a lengthening of a leg in different combinations. That means that different joints of the legs are subluxated, and, although the legs are equal in length, nevertheless different joints at the right or left leg are still subluxated. However, the finding that legs are equal in length does not mean automatically that there are no subluxations of the different joints of the legs at all.
A pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT®
Consequences of a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT® is a muscular strain development, spreading centrifugally from the pelvis.
The subluxation of the pubic bone- and the iliosacral joints with its toppling of the coccyx- sacrum- and pelvis- joints as well as an inclined and displaced pelvis (I call these damages from now on a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT®) causes a centrifugally spreaded strain development in the whole muscular system, emerging from the pelvis.
This strain spreads from the pelvis centrifugally into the body. One must distinguish the consequences of this strain development at the upper body (with arms and head) from the one in the lower body (including the legs).
Problems and sickness in the area of the pelvis and the legs as a result of a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT®
Basically one must know, that nearly all complaints and diseases, which occur below the waist, are consequences of a difference in the length of the legs, due to subluxations of hip-, knee- and ankle joint as well as a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT® in combination with a pelvic inclination, which now has nothing to do any more with a difference in the length of the legs, but is caused by the above mentioned pelvic damages.
This concerns all hip diseases, all sciatic sufferings and the atypical sciatica with diseases of knee- and further joints of the legs, gouty arthritis, calcaneal spur, systremma, restless legs and many others. Beside these, varix, circulatory disturbances at the legs and a big part of all tendencies to develop edema are also a result of differences in the length of the legs due to subluxations of hip- knee- and ankle joint as well as a pelvic damage in the sense of the SMT®.
Diseases in the shoulder-arm-region, the cervical spine and the face.
The further you come at the upper body towards the head, the less influence get irritations of the spinal nerves on complaints and diseases at the head, and the more significant is the importance of meridian damages due to spinal blockades and organic changes. This has to do with the decreasing compressive load in the upper part of the spine and especially at the head.
Diseases of inner organs
A further, very important aspect of the SMT® is the knowledge, that organic functional disturbances and inner diseases primarily depend on the state of the human spine and joints. Environmental influences and nutrition are important factors, which influence the human organism and its state of health, however they are not primarily decisive. Due to a scoliosis the spinal nerves, emerging laterally from the spine, are squeezed. From these spinal nerves nervous fibres lead to the sympathetic chain (central part of the N. Sympathicus), which is a part of the vegetative nervous system, not steerable by will, are then connected and reach finally the inner organs, to steer their functionality.
If these just mentioned spinal nerves are strangulated and damaged, because for example the spine is deformed, a false steering and other functional disturbances are the consequence, which again are the basis of organic changes and diseases. Wrong nutrition and bad environmental conditions only are additional stress factors. The human being is the more resistant against these influences, the better the condition of his joints and spine is.
Importance of the SMT® for human health
A very important statement of the SMT® however reads as follows:
All diseases of the body, either organic functional disturbances or sicknesses, psychical sufferings like anxiety state, agitated depression, melancholy, obsessive pondering etc., but also diseases with a genetically conditioned disposition, show an organic, obvious correlation in form of damages of joints and spine.
Consequently, nobody is submitted helplessly to his destiny, except it is a matter of real hereditary disease.
More or less it is his own matter, whether he gets sick or remains healthy, or can restore his health again.
He only has to take care that he puts his joints and the spine in good order and keep them in order.